Mycorrhizal Networks
Autumn 2022
Fungi have always been of interest to me. After reading Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake and watching countless documentaries, I have been consumed by their possibilities and magic. The webbing, interconnected hyphae are universal symbols, as root networks, as blood vessels, as synapses. The breakdown of organic matter in the cycle of life, death and rebirth is down to them, and they are crucial for the processes on our planet.

In Autumn 2022 I learnt about what’s known as Slime Mold. After focusing my research on human mapping of the land and journeys, these Molds create their own, organic networks based on the quickest route to food. While brainless they can navigate, create pathways and are being used to research into our own mapping of the land in things like the Tokyo transport system. I grew these samples using oats as to work with the molds and curate pattern and explore their visual symbolism in the micro/macro world. In the best way, other fungi began to grow in these environments and I began to make these abstract mushroom paintings by chance, as the thin veils of mycelium overlap and look like branches, clouds or Japanese ink drawings…